Parish Information

Blessed Sacrament Parish is located in Pauoa Valley on the island of Oahu

2124 Pauoa Rd. • Honolulu, Hawaii • 96813
Telephone: 808-531-6980
General Email:
Pastorʻs Email:
Office Hours: Monday & Friday (9:00am - 1:00pm)

Pastoral Staff
Pastor: Fr. Steve Nguyen
Permanent Deacons: Ronald Choo & Joseph Soon
Office Secretary: Tina Welch

Faith Formation
CCD Coordinator: Leimomi Kondo
Youth Coordinator: 
Scripture Study Coordinator: S. Pochinski
Baptism Preparation: Deacon Joseph & Ono Soon

Parish Ministries & Organizations
Pastoral Council/Stewardship: Evelyn Starkey 
Liturgy Commission: Liz Lum
Bereavement: Erla Pauole/Evelyn Starkey
Social Justice/Respect Life: Fred Hagen/Lynette Wijnveldt
Finance Council: Ronald Choo
Social Fellowship: Pastoral Council 
Liturgical Environment: Paulette Hepa/Lucy Schlemmer

Parish Services
VISITATION: Priest and Homebound Ministers are available to visit the informed or hospitalized. Please contact the Parish Office. For Sacramental Emergencies, call (808)531-6980 

BAPTISMS: Baptismal Preparation Classes are held every 3 months on two consecutive Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7:30pm. If you are expecting or have a child to be baptized, please call the Parish office for more information

MARRIAGE: The Diocese of Honolulu requires couples to participate in the preparation for the Sacrament of Matrimony. Couples should contact the Parish Office for the Marriage Preparation at least 6 months before the wedding.

FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS: Kokua!  Please contact the Parish Office prior to making arrangements with a funeral home

PARISHIONERS: When changing address/telephone, or moving out of the parish, please kindly notify the Parish Office

NEW PARISHIONERS: If you would like to become a parishioner of Blessed Sacrament, please use forms available at the entrance of the church or download one HERE